
SafeTRANS represents national stakeholders who are active in the domain of the development of embedded systems, with a focus on transportation applications. We join national partners with European stakeholders, identify and harmonise German and European research priorities, plan projects and support the funding process. Looking ahead, especially to initialise and to coordinate these processes is essential for sustainable research. Sustainable research includes all processes for a successful project incubation, the availability for R & D results and the support for the implementation of R & D results in the industrial context. Our goal is to speed up and improve the application-oriented, pre-competitive research in the area of embedded systems.

SafeTRANS strengthen ...

  • the exchange of knowledge and know how cross application doamins
  • expedient networking
  • the visibility of its members in the environment of R & D for embedded systems, e.g. through presentations at conferences, meetings, exhibitions, and in magazines

SafeTRANS ...

  • brings people together
  • facilitates the benefit of knowledge and know how exchange
  • increase the visibility

Two times a year, SafeTRANS organizes the SafeTRANS Industrial Day a symposium with focus on an high priority topic. For more information about the SafeTRANS Industrial Days please visit the menu item EVENTS.